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5 tools to incorporate into your skincare

· Enhance your skin care regimen ·

Jun, 08, 2020

Last Updated on December 12, 2021 by Il-ham B

Most of us are not born with the flawless skin gene so, we look toward our skincare regimen to provide us with that close to perfect skin. Although striving for even skin can sometimes be hard. We can maintain the health of our skin with a consistent routine. Accordingly, I want to share with you 5 tools to incorporate into your skincare regimen. That will have you on top of your skincare game.

Furthermore, we all go through moments where it feels like our skin is cooperating with us. Then boom, we are thrown off guard. These issues could be acne, dryness, oiliness, discoloration, etc. This can be disheartening. Making us feel like, DAMN, it was all good just a week ago.

Personally, clear skin seems to be a constant challenge and a continuous battle. However, it doesn’t always have to be a losing battle. Incorporating these tools into your normal skincare regimen; which should include a cleanser, a toner, and a moisturizer. You will be enhancing what you are already working with. With that, I welcome you on the journey to close to flawless skin.

Spin Brush

First on the list is the spin brush. If not my favorite, it is one of my favorite tools in my skincare regimen. The spin brush offers a deeper clean than your washcloth or your fingers. It is also a light exfoliate by removing dead skin cells from the outer layer of the skin, also known as the epidermis. The removal of the outer layer of the skin speeds up the skin’s natural renewal rate. This is approximately every 27-28 days. Not only does it accelerate your skins cells turnover rate, but it also shrinks the appearance of pores and helps your creams and moisturizers absorb better into the skin.

I use the Vanity Planet Ultimate Skin Spa Facial Cleansing Brush. It comes with 3 brush heads and it’s suitable for all skin types. Likewise, be mindful that the skin tends to purge when you first start using a spin brush. Work it slowly into your regimen and don’t be discouraged. The purge is normal.

Face Steamer

Another favorite of mine is the facial steamer. I initially got the Secura hair steamer (for deep conditioning) which also included a facial steamer. I honestly never really thought much of the face steamer. Eventually, I decided to use it and I loved it. Facial steamers help open up your pores and soften up any build-up for a deeper cleanse. In other words, it clears out your pores and purifies your skin. Further, it raises the skins’ temperature to increase blood flow /circulation. This helps products absorb better into the ideal skin.

One of the best times to use a facial steamer is during the winter months when the weather is harsh and drying. As well as when your skin needs a boost of moisture. Further, the recommendation is to steam once or twice a week for about 15 minutes. Be sure to seal in all that moisture with your favorite moisturizer, after every session.


The dermaroller is part of my top 3 favorite tools. Also known as micro-needling; a derma roller is a rolling object with tinny little needles attached to the surface with a handle. It is one of the best ways to boost collagen production which in turn helps treat scars and rejuvenate the skin. Microneedles are also used to reduce pore size and the production of sebum in acne-prone skin or oily skin.

How to use: You roll it on your face in all possible directions, excluding your eyelids and your lips. The tinny needles are supposed to puncture the skin. This helps to break down any scar tissues on the first layer of the skin, such as hyper-pigmentation, caused by scars left by acne.

I use a 0.5 mm dermaroller. It is recommended to use this size every 2 to 3 weeks. The 0.2 mm to 0.25 mm needle can be used every other day or weekly. If you want to go higher in needle size, I suggest you see a dermatologist or an aesthetician.

Dermaroller is also beneficial for stretch marks, wrinkles, fines lines, preventing signs of aging, and even hair loss. I think this might be my favorite tool out of everything mentioned. It works so well on hyperpigmentation. Plus, you notice the improvement in your skin within a few days to a week. I call it my torture device. The pain is not that bad. You get used to the feeling after rolling it on your face for a few minutes. Since the skin/pores are slightly opened, products absorb better into the skin with this tool.

Crystal Roller

 Crystal roller is the new hype. It has been around for years but it recently regained its popularity. Described as a roller with smoothly sculpted crystals attached to both ends. One larger than the other. The larger part of the crystal roller is used on the forehead, cheeks, and neck. While the small roller is for the under eyes and around the mouth. Equally important, is the three common stones they could be found in. Jade represents peace and balance; rose quartz is for self-love; quartz is healing and an energy amplifying crystal.

The crystal roller is said to decrease the puffiness in the face by draining excess fluid from that area. Rolling the stone across one’s face helps with circulation and moves the lymphatic fluid. Considering that the body naturally drains toxins and eliminates waste from itself. The benefit allows for a healthier immune system.

Crystal Roller

I wouldn’t say that this product is a must-have. But, it is a fun little tool to use plus it feels nice on the skin. I’ve also noticed that when “I roll” my face after putting on a moisturizer, it doesn’t just sit on the surface. I am willing to say that it helps my moisturizer penetrate my skin. In addition, you can pretty much use it every day.


Dermaplaning is a deep exfoliating procedure that can also be done at home. The concept is similar to shaving your face while the real treatment consists of removing dead skin cells and tinny little peach fuzz’s from the entire face with a single razor blade.

After the treatment, the hair on your face will not grow back thicker nor will it grow darker. Dermaplaning is safe on all skin types and the goal is to achieve a smoother and more even skin surface. By removing facial hair that can trap in dirt, makeup, and oils. All these factors contribute to leaving your skin looking pretty dull.

Dermaplaning provides an effective and safe exfoliation treatment that promotes deeper product penetration. It boosts the effects of skincare products while making the skin look and feels smoother. Additionally, it reduces the appearance of acne scars.

Please do not use, if you are suffering from cystic acne.

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Clear skin is not always a given. Moreover, there are so many things that can throw your skin out of whack. Therefore, knowing the best tools, products, and tricks to use, to be able to combat the many stages your skin and body goes through, is always ideal.

Incorporating these tools into your regular and consistent skincare routine can take your skin from dull to glowing. After all, we spend a lot of money on products that simply sit on our skin. Given that these products don’t always penetrate the surface of the skin. They may not necessarily work to their full purpose. For that reason, it is important to know that these tools will assist boost the effect of your skincare products.

All the more, ease these tools into your routine and don’t use them all at once. I don’t recommend it. Pick and choose the tools that work for you depending on your needs. Plus, you shouldn’t jump on every bandwagon or a new trend that’s out there.

With that being said, other practices are just as important. So, don’t forget to wash your make-up brushes, drink loads of water every day and wear your sunscreen. Most importantly be gentle with your skin. You don’t want to be doing all that work for nothing.

Thank you for reading this blog post. Share this post with someone who could benefit and your thoughts in the comment section below, if you found this information useful. Which of these tools have you tried or would like to try?

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