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Self-Care is self love – so let’s Check In

· Why is self-care important ·

Jan, 31, 2020

Last Updated on June 21, 2022 by Il-ham B

I’ve realized that I only truly start taking care of myself whenever I’m feeling stressed, anxious, or just simply drained. So many things can have us feeling this way. But why do we overlook it until we are at the edge or brink of breaking mentally, physically, spiritually, or emotionally before we start taking care of ourselves? Self-care is self-love so, let’s check-in!

What is self-care?

Self-care is the conscious effort you make to take care of yourself and enhance your wellbeing.  It is the pursuit of balance (mind, body, and soul) and the continuous strive to be a better version of yourself. The act of self-care requires you to be mindful by checking in with yourself. This means asking yourself how you are doing and identifying what you value and need in all areas of your life. Hence, there are eight (8) areas of self-care you should focus on. You don’t have to tackle them all at once. The goal is to create a balanced lifestyle in alignment with your higher self. 

What are the 8 areas of self-care ?

  1. Mental
  2. Physical
  3. Emotional
  4. Social
  5. Professional
  6. Environmental
  7. Spiritual
  8. Financial

These areas will prompt you to ask yourself the right question to be able to create the right self-care plan.

We know that life and its challenges can get extremely overwhelming sometimes. That is why it is important to implement a self-care regimen. Research has proven self-care to be so vital that it can increase confidence, creativity, and productivity and improve one’s overall mood. Further, you can make better decisions, build stronger relationships with yourself and others, and communicate more effectively when you add this tool to your belt.

Most of us see self-care as either a reward or a luxury, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I am sure there are little things that you already do that can be considered self-care (or taking care of yourself). I think that having a weekly hair and skin-care routine, going to the gym, simply taking the time to unwind, or even just breathing, dammit, is a form of self-care.

Call off work if that helps, too, because sometimes we are not in the best headspace to be at work. It’s called a personal day for a reason! Just remember that it is ok to do so. OKAY!

Now that I’m done fussing, here are a few things you can try to implement in your self-care routine, regimen, or ritual. Do what works for you.


Try to sleep at least 8 or more hours every night. When the time comes to wake up, stop hitting the snooze button. It’s not helping, trust me; I am guilty of this. You just end up groggy and in a rush. Also, be mindful of what you are doing before you go to bed which might keep you up later than you should be.


There are so many ways you can incorporate a quick workout into your routine. Go to the gym, take a yoga class or any class, or take a nice long walk. Matter of fact, just go outside and take in the fresh air – I’ve heard it’s a form of exercise (lol). Just find what works best for you because it is important in boosting your mood and reducing stress and anxiety.


Nails done, hair done, everything done! Taking time out to pamper yourself; doesn’t have to be luxurious, but it should feel that way. Whether you do it yourself or go to a spa or salon, it still counts. Try little things such as a quick face mask that you can grab at the pharmacy. Get a massage to help release that tension you’ve been feeling in your neck and shoulders. In any case, just treat yourself to whatever you consider pampering.


It is ok – you can do it. We all need to unplug from the matrix now and then, and a tiny way to do that is to turn off our devices. We are so used to constant input through all our senses that it is important to just shut everything off. Just be mindful of your consumption and set limits that work for you. For instance, no device in the bedroom or after a certain time is a good start.


Eating a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables is vital to your health. This should be 1st on this self-care list. It might not feel as relaxing as a massage or as good as a face mask, but it is one of the main contributions to your overall mental and physical health. Just make sure you balance it out and don’t limit yourself too much.


Books have a way of taking you into a different reality and out of your own. Reading expands your imagination, and your dreams and, at the same time, inspires. Further, it is the perfect way to unplug, and, to me, that is the ultimate form of self-care. Reading has also been proven to be one of many ways to overcome stress. Make sure to pick up a book the next time you are feeling overwhelmed; you will be surprised by how quickly it can calm you down.


Just say it; your wellness depends on it. It is ok to cancel prior commitments if you are no longer up for them. You are allowed to change your mind even if it’s just to stay home and do absolutely nothing. But make sure it’s not because of laziness because when we do gather the courage to go to that engagement, we end up having a really good time.


Meditation is the observation of one’s breath as it enters and exits the body, in short. It helps you reduce feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress. Meditation is also a self-esteem booster by helping you gain perspective on how your thoughts do not define you and increase your self-awareness.


It is hard to start journaling because you never really know what to write, right? Well, I am here to tell you that you can write anything and everything. There is no structure to journaling; just observe your feelings and explore them in writing. You can start by asking yourself questions such as: How do I feel? How was my day? or What am I grateful for? Just let it flow – don’t worry about grammar or punctuation. Journaling is a great way to help you look at situations from an objective point of view and find solutions.

MY EXPERIENCE – My form of self-care

I take part in everything I’ve mentioned above and more. Self-care is a ritual and should be incorporated into your daily, weekly, and monthly regimen. Whether it be beauty or health, mental or spiritual well-being consistency is always key. Something I have started doing in recent months is making sure that I get a massage and my nails done once a month.

I’ve set intentions to stretch and meditate every night, and I also keep a journal because I am not the most expressive person. I don’t like unloading my issues or tend to share a lot, whether it be good or bad, with others. Hence why blogging is my outlet.

For a quick fix, I watch cute videos of dogs or animals on Pinterest (all the time) anytime I feel down or upset – laughing and smiling are all part of it. Don’t judge me.

When is it comes to self-care, look at it this way: it is hard to be the best version of yourself to others if you are not able to be that for yourself. Be kind and compassionate to yourself, like you would to a loved one or a friend whenever they are going through their challenges. Remember: self-care isn’t selfish. It is your right. Start living and stop existing.

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As usual, everything takes time and consistency. Just set your intentions and you will achieve your goals. Thank you for reading this post – I hope you enjoyed it. Share this post and leave a comment below if you found this information useful.

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